Minutes, December 13, 2006

(Bear River Innovation, Development and Growth Society)
December 13, 2006
Trading Post (Youth Centre)

Present: Cindy Harris, Norma Wagner, Don Rice, John Malmstrom, Susan Malmstrom, Laurel Shishkov, Gerry Chute, Hal Theriault.

1. Call to Order/Adoption of Agenda
Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM.
MOTION to accept the Agenda. CARRIED.

2. Introduction of Minutes from Previous Meeting

3. New Business
Executive Committee Minutes: were read by Secretary Susan Malmstrom.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Wayne Smith was absent. A Treasurer’s Report will be submitted at the next general meeting.

Communications Sub-committee: John suggested that a Communications Subcommittee be formed, and offered to chair it. We need to be sure to meet Tributary, Spectator and Courier deadlines; and we need to work on the directory that was suggested at the Village Meeting in November. Gerry, Cindy and Laurel are already working on the directory. They will contact Peter Newton to ask how best to structure this (web presence, printed version, etc.). We will also need to contact the Board of Trade regarding space on their re-launched website. Don, Cindy, Gerry and Laurel agreed to meet before the next general meeting. It was suggested that they contact Tim Wilson, as he expressed interest in assisting with the directory at the Village Meeting.

Strategic Plan Update: The Strategic Plan will be far ranging and extremely important to the community. We have received a letter of offer, which means we need to supervise the execution of the plan after putting it out to bid. A subcommittee needs to be formed to supervise and manage the execution of this bid. Gerry, John and Laurel offered to serve on this Subcommittee. They will meet as soon as BRIDGS receives the first check from the Office of Economic Development. These funds must be used by end of March, 2007, so there will be no time to lose once the check comes in. We should have a list of potential matching funding entities ready as well. BRIDGS members as well as the community at large will see the plan as it is formulated. The Strategic Plan Committee will also be responsible for the dissemination of this information to the community.

Bear River Pageant: The Nova Scotia Department of Tourism released official word that the Pageant will receive a total of $22,500 from their office. Hal was thanked for creating and drafting this application. Again, funds must be spent by the end of March, 2007. Ultimately, this project will benefit the village, with such upgrades as new equipment for the Oakdene, and summer employment. The board was reminded that these funds are specifically targeted to Pageant expenditures. John asked if Hal could write a short synopsis detailing the Pageant accomplishments thus far.

Youth Centre:
Report from the Youth Centre Task Force was delivered by Gerry:
• The Youth Committee will be working with Andre Bouchard (Municipality of Annapolis) to present their “Dance Revolution” program in the spring. This program will be targeted to any and all children throughout the community, including outlying areas. It will be offered at the Oakdene;
• A talent/variety show is in the planning stages for presentation at the Oakdene in March. This will serve as a fundraiser for the Youth Centre;
• We are currently searching for a volunteer fundraiser for the Youth Centre to take the Youth Centre Committee’s efforts to a higher level. In the meantime, proposals have been forwarded to both municipalities, and Hal will draft a proposal to Service Canada to fund an employee;

Village Meeting Follow-up: The feeling is that we had a strong turnout, and it was a very positive meeting. The discussion centered on cooperation and communication amongst the organizations, as well as the importance of volunteerism in small communities. Every organizational representative spoke positively of their group’s future plans. Our goal for the next meeting will be to triple that strong turnout!

Joint Stocks Renewal: Our joint stocks renewal is due. Secretary Susan Malmstrom will fill out the necessary paperwork before the end of our fiscal year (March).

Bear River Health Clinic Update: Norma reported that the Clinic had its official re-opening, with the Minister of Health and other dignitaries in attendance. Now that they have new staff in place, they are able to secure and provide more programs, which are currently being scheduled. The Clinic volunteers thanked BRIDGS for hosting the Village Meeting, which they were happy to use to inform community members of the re-opening.

4. Review and Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meeting
MOTION: Moved by Cindy, seconded by Don to approve and adopt the Minutes of the November 8, 2006 meeting. CARRIED.

5. Next Meeting
January 10, 2007 at 7:30 PM at the Youth Centre (Trading Post).

6. Adjournment
Motion made by Don for adjournment, CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.